Monday, December 22, 2014

Chirstmas Time - California-style

First things first.  A greeting for our family and friends:

We had fun decorating our new home for the first time.  Here are some examples.

A homemade huckleberry cuttings wreath for the front door

Carrying the them into the stairwell - ribbon and douglas fir

Really small tree on the entry level floor

Picture window on the entry level floor in Erick's work space

Our little douglas fir on the main floor - phase 1, lights on

The tree fully decorated
Really big tree in Jack London Square (can't take credit for this one)

Lights strung in the breakfast nook

Night-time - hope the coyotes appreciate the view

Daytime close up

Night-time close up of the ornament

Another crystal ornament - dining room window

A favorite holiday plate

Formerly empty display area on the way to the 3rd floor.
There will eventually be shelves here - when we get around to it.

And the stockings were hung...

Animal visitors:
Columbian black-tailed deer in the driveway - one of a trio of regulars

Parker, a neighborhood cat who frequently visits Ziggy & Sunny

A triangulation of cats
Ziggy, Sunny, and guest

Transition from fall to winter:

A rainy, chilly December - at least the spiders are using the deck furniture

Pre-solstice sunset on the bay side...

...reflected on the canyon side

Winter is here now, and this is what it looks like in the East Bay hills:

View toward Mt Diablo, first day of winter

Even the south facing slopes are getting greener

Color on the bay side provided by sweetgum trees

Close up of a sweetgum - black spots are seed pods

Sunset first day of winter: canyon view left; reflection of bay sunset right

Closer look at the reflection

Actual bay side veiw of sunset

Twilight - Mt Diablo and hills

Do we miss the snow?  Kinda.  But if we really want to see it, the Sierras aren't that far away.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Experiencing an East Bay December

Late fall and early winter bring the chance of rain - much needed here - and we got some.  The actual amount was probably around 5 inches up here in the hills.  We've learned that the local birds don't mind the rain.

We've also learned that the season generates some wonderful views of the mists, clouds, sunrises and sunsets. 

More than just mist

Bay side reflection

Pre-storm color - bay side

A blazing late afternoon

A canyon sunrise

As the sun sinks slowly into the clouds

The day after the December 11 rain storm.
The hills are turning green aain.

What do you see in the clouds?

Sure looks like a face to me...

We've started decorating.  

The greens are from one of our huckleberry bushs - definitely a California thing.

Another phase of the door finishing project done - stripping off what was left of the old varnish.

Of plants and animals:

Manzanita bush starting to bloom
A deer knocked this bloom off one of our succulents

Ziggy and Sunny escape from the balcony to try out the roof over the front door.