Sunday, April 26, 2015

Of Birds and Bees, and More

I'm having some success capturing the local birds in photos.  Some are a challenge. The chickadees, titmice and nuthatches zoom in and out so fast that it's tricky to catch them.

Update: Just after I posted yesterday, I was able to catch a hummingbird in action:

A really lucky shot!

Nice view of her irridescent back

With wings extended

Best photos yet of the Western Scrub Jay:

The Black-headed Grosbeaks are back:

The House Finches always seem to arrive in bunches:

Dark-eyed Juncos prefer feeding on the ground:

Here are some of the speedy visitors:

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Nuthatch - if it walks down trees upsidedown, it's a Nuthatch

Nuthatch in a rare still moment

Oak Titmouse

Now, on to the bees:

Tower of Jewels - the bees love it
In coming...
The bees like these, too:
Happy Chappy rose

Parrot's Beak

Critters - real and imaginary:

Where there are bird feeders in the neighborhood, there will be squirrels.
Newly acquired sheep sculpture 
Almost looks real, but definitely NOT fuzzy

Various views from the hill:

The bay from our top floor
Close up of buildings across the bay
Container ship in the bay
Muted sunset tones
Canyon side after a rain
Sun breaking through, clouds over Mt Diablo

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Beauty and My Olympus SH-1 Camera

Having a new camera has inspired me to try some new things - such as getting up at 4:40 AM PDT to catch the recent lunar eclipse.  I set up a tripod and set the SH-1 to night time and maximum magnification and was able to get this photo:

April 4 lunar eclipse as seen from the Oakland Hills
(Tip: click on any photo for a larger version.)

Here's the regular view for comparison:
Moon over the bay
I'm still fascinated by sunsets & rises, views of the bay & canyon and rainbows.


An all to infrequent event here - rain.

Coral bells after the rain

A Scrub Jay enjoying some artifical rain.

Plants on the decks, balconies and in the yard.

Tower of Jewels plant continues shooting up

Tower of Jewels beginning to flower - close up
Parrots Beak bursting into bloom
What the Parrots Beak looked like ust after we bought it last year

Rose season begins for us

Early Girl and Black Cherry tomato plants
The latest version of our driveway planters:

The newest addition - an Echeveria cante (White Cloud)

Oscularia - pre-bloom

What the Oscularia looked like almost a year ago.
We're eager to see this year's blooms.
Kalanchoe pumila starting to bloom despite being munched by the House Finches

What the Kalanchoe looked like last year when we bought it

We moved this Artemisia (last year's photo) to a new location
Artemisia (2 plants) with flower spikes in their new location to the right of a Manzanita

Manzanita means little apple - fruit visible in this photo
We are moving his lovely Lavender to a location where it will have more room.
We're hoping it will continue to grow and spread. 

We enjoy our neighbors' yards, too.

California poppies in the foreground, ice plants above
And the plants we see around town.


Giant Bird of Paradise - aka wild banana