Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Progress Inside and Outside

Erick and I are getting close to having most of our space and the common areas of the house in good order.  A number of unique pieces of furniture came with the house.

Here's one we're converting to an armoire.

Here's another piece we like a lot.  It's an old media center that's located in Erick's office area. We're using it for storage.

Of course, Erick's office wouldn't be complete without the book shelves he made for our Chelsea house.  Here they are just beginning to be filled.

The living room of our house came with a large set of built in shelves - great for displaying a variety of items.

The lighted shelves in the dining room work well for my dragon collection.

Knowing Erick and me, you won't be surprised to find that plants are definitely part of the plan here.  The previous owners were in the same situation we were with regard to having to leave plants behind when they moved.  Here are some of them.

And, of course we are adding our own.

The neighbors' yards are something we enjoy, too.

Our driveway is lined with 10 planters atop the posts along the edge.  We bought 5 different sun-loving, drought-tolerant succulents for them.


Kalanchoe pumila

Echeveria agavoides

Artemisia pycnocephala

Dudleya farinosa

Lest you think we spend all of our time around the house, here are photos from a recent "Friday night dinner out" trip to Jack London Square.

Finally, you knew there would be some scenic outdoor photos. Here they are. Starting with a panoramic view of the hills taken by Erick's work buddy, Mark.

Local deer in the neighbor's back yard.

An unusual sunrise

Barges on the Bay (the bright orange one is easiest to spot)

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