Monday, August 25, 2014

An Earthquake 30-40 Miles Away & Other Happenings

I guess we are now officially Californians.  The August 24 Napa Valley earthquake was 30-40 miles away and at 6.0 magnitude was the largest since 1989.  (Info at the link in case you didn't hear about it - We barely felt it here and pretty much slept through it - although I did dream about getting the seismic gas shut off valve that's been on our to-do list.

Another indicator that we are Californians: We're having solar panels installed.

Solar techs from Sun Inc. - subcontractor for Sungevity

18 panels in the garage awaiting installation - bottom view
Once these are on the roof, we won't see them because the roof is 30+ feet up

Erick's latest "for fun" project is this bamboo water feature for our deck.  I have to turn it off when I'm on the deck trying to read or else I just keep watching it. The water flows from one bamboo tube to the next via a pump located in the base.

Because wildfires are a danger here, we got together with 5 neighbors and applied for a grant to reduce the fuel load on the slope behind our homes. We can't just cut back everything - and wouldn't want to - because of the beautiful and protected species of Manzanita that grows on our properties.

Looking south across the "back yards' of our neighborhood

I've spent some time in the couple of weeks helping to raise funds for a similar grant that involves fuel reduction work on the Montclair Railroad Trail. I enjoy talking with people who use the trail regularly and many of them are willing to contribute.

My "Be a Friend of the Trail" sign

The Friends of the Montclair Library had a potluck last Friday evening.  The hosts' home is close to town but in a lovely setting set back from the road - definitely worth a photo.

The bridge goes across a stream that runs in front of the house

Always lots of birds visiting our feeders lately, especially finches and juncos.

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