Among our feathered visitors this month were turkeys. Erick spotted one on the deck railing outside the window in his work space near a bird feeder and snapped these with his smartphone.
That feeder seems a bit small for me... |
Maybe I should leave... |
Off I go! |
I came on the scene later, but was able to get some good photos of the turkey on the ground using my SH-1's zoom.
Lately a flock of sheep has appeared on the far hillside of the canyon. Using full zoom, I was able to get photos in which the sheep are fairly visible.
The flock just before it headed over the rise and out of sight. |
Detail of the photo above. |
The flock spread out on a hill a couple of days later. Looks like a couple of hundred to me. What's your guess? |
As always, sunsets and light variations on the hills provide lots of photo ops.
Mount Diablo glowing in the evening. |
Same scene using zoom |
Clouds over the bay around sunset. |
Blooms - inside and outside:
I still can't resist bringing home an orchid when it's the same price as a cut bouquet. (The painting is by our friend Atul Pande) |
Lots of blooms on this one. |
The Bower Vine that came with the original landscaping has really taken off this summer.
Close up of the blooms on one of the succulents in our driveway pots. |
Last week we returned to one of our favorite places, the UC-Berkeley Botanical Gardens. This time to see (and smell) a Titan Arum. It was our first visit to the Tropical Greenhouse.
A Bird of Paradise variety in the greenhouse |
Outside in the dry climate area of the Gardens:
Cactus in bloom |
Aloes among the rocks |
Aloes in bloom |
Large aloe, close up |
Here are photos of Erick and me taken during the July Monclair RR Trail Work Day.
Erick pulling our "broom" an invasive plant that's a fire hazard. He earned the title "Broom Maniac" in the 3 hours we were working. |
Lots of raking to do every work day. Those Live Oak leaves pile up quickly. |