Saturday, July 11, 2015

Everywhere I Look

Whether in the sky or closer to the ground, there's always something worth a photo.  Here are some recent ones.  (Note: click on any photo to enlarge it.)

Clouds over Round Top

Bayside summer sunset

Canyon side at sunset

Venus in the evening sky - with zoom

Venus with maximum zoom

Canyon side cloudy evening

Full moon with clouds

Full moon using zoom

Morning clouds obscuring Mt. Diablo

Clouds along the ridge penetrated by sun's rays

Bonus photo by our daughter - from her recent trip to Mount St. Helen's volcano
Hiking with friends in Redwood Park:

New friends Kathy & Bob - also recent Midwest transplants

Erick and me on the trail 

Cicada nymph-phase spotted by Erick on the trail

An evening walk in Montclair Village park:

Caught a glimpse of a night heron before it flew into the center of
those bushes where it is well camouflaged.

Pond turtles come looking for food from visitors

The fountain 

A large female Koi with a male in pursuit

Roses blooming along the walk - Koi swimming near the center of the photo

Here's what's blooming these days:

Bower vine
Lots of California poppies,
Agave, California poppies, Oscularia (pink)

Silver Echeveria sending up a flower spike

Deep purple succulent variety

Blooming Echeveria variety

Yet another succulent in bloom
Huckleberry with blossoms and fruits

Fragrant Dendrobium Orchid
Close up of blooms

On the balconies:

Pansies with mini-Fushia in the center

New summer planiting - Sun Star and Impatiens
Tomato plants - lots of healthy folliage and flowers: not much in the way of tomatos yet

A hopeful signs on the Early Girl bush

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