Monday, January 4, 2016

Visiting the Monterey Bay Aquarium - Part II

Heading back to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on the second day of our visit, we couldn't help but notice the change in the size of the waves along the shore.  And, we continued to be fascinated by the harbor seals.
(All photos taken with my Olympus SH-1. Click a photo to see a larger version.)

Waves and gulls 
Harbor seal beach with high tide approaching
Harbor seal sunning on a rock
Back in the Aquarium - examples of the non-living exhibits:


We made it in time to see the penguins being fed.

An assistant records the number of fish eaten by each penguin

Notice the name bands on the penguins' flippers

Guarding the nest


We got our best look at the sea otters the second day.

Photo on screen at the sea otter exhibit
Live video of the sea otters being feed

Otter in the tank
A playful pair
There were lots of other wonderful exhibits to view and photograph:

Reef fish

Sand dollars 
Sheep crab with sculpture
Manta ray
Baby rays and egg cases

Clown fish with anemones
Crab and coral
Well-camouflaged fish 

Giant clam
Jumping blennies on rock
Close-up of blennies
Lion fish 
One of the kelp forest fish
We left the Monterey Bay Aquarium with enough energy for the walk back along the bay side trail and for a brief visit to the Pacific Grove Natural History Museum near the Centrella Inn.  It featured extensive old collections of mounted birds and animals, and historical artifacts.  I took only a few photos there.  

Fascinated by the waves at high tide:

At the museum:

Watch-rabbits at the door

Tree decorated in Victoria style with
replicas of birds and furry critters
Dressed for the season
Chair of various woods created for the 1915 World Fair in San Francisco
Model of a fishing village

No doubt we'll be returning to the Monterey peninsula.  It's definitely worth the two plus hour drive from our home.

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